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Can You Cut Masonry Pavers Without a Wet Saw?

By September 19, 2022July 10th, 2024Blog Posts

Have you ever considered doing a DIY project at home but worried you didn’t have the right tools for the job? It is a common problem. Homeowners might not want to invest a lot of money in tools they will only use once. Such is the case with cutting masonry pavers. Your best option is also the most expensive: a professional wet saw.

This leads to the obvious question of whether you can cut pavers without a wet saw. The simple answer is ‘yes’. However, it is not so easy. You also need to understand that results will vary.

Below, we will look at three ways to cut masonry pavers:

  • Hammer and chisel
  • Dry circular saw
  • Professional wet saw.

If you choose one of the two saw options, be sure to get the right diamond blade. Devour Tools offers a variety of diamond blades designed for specific purposes. Our collection includes masonry blades more than capable of cutting pavers.

1. Hammer and Chisel

Long before there were such things as diamond blades, builders were cutting all sorts of masonry by hand with the old-fashioned hammer and chisel method. This method still works today, though you don’t get clean cuts with it. It is also very labor-intensive.

Hammer and chisel cuts aren’t true cuts in the genuine sense of the word. In actuality, you’re using your tools to break off pieces of masonry until you get the results that you’re after.

The process is simple enough. You measure and mark the paver first. Next, you lay the paver on a flat and stable surface. Third, you score it using your hammer and a small, sharpened, steel chisel. Scoring is a simple matter of making small indentations in the surface all along your cut mark.

Finally, you are going to use your hammer and a larger brick-set chisel to make the cut. Strike the indentations along the mark hard and directly. Two or three strikes should do it.

2. Dry Angle Grinder

You can use a dry angle grinder with a diamond blade to cut masonry pavers. It is less labor-intensive than hammer and chisel. However, there are some important things to know. First and foremost is stabilizing the paver before you cut it. Put it on a flat surface and make sure it cannot move.

Also be prepared for a lot of dust. Wear a mask along with proper eye protection and work gloves. Once you start cutting, avoid the temptation of stopping to rest. Finally, do not force the blade. Let it do the work while you simply guide the saw.

3. Professional Wet Saw

A professional wet saw offers the cleanest cut of all. Your diamond blades will last longer as well because the liquid coolant both lubricates and prevents the blade from getting too hot. Less dust is an added bonus.

You will still need to secure the paver in place when using a professional wet saw. Perhaps clamp it down or wedge it between other pavers when using a hand saw. If you’re using a table saw, you should have built-in guides that can keep the paver in place while you cut.

Regardless of your cutting choice, follow the old rule of measuring twice and cutting once. Measuring twice forces you to double check your original measurement. Doing so could save you a lot of work and prevent needlessly wasting pavers.

Yes, you can cut masonry pavers without a wet saw. A professional wet saw will give you the best results, but you can save money using a hammer and chisel or a dry circular saw. As for your choice of blades, Devour diamond blades work equally well for both wet and dry applications.